The Ghost of Tsushima Director’s Cut is coming to PC on May 16. A PlayStation exclusive since its release in 2020, Ghost of Tsushima is the newest in Sony’s ports of first party games to PC. It’ll include a lot of graphical enhancements for PC such as DLSS, FSR, ultrawide monitor support, and unlocked framerates. I don’t have a PlayStation so I’ve been looking forward to this for a long time. I wanna play it just cause it’s an open world samurai game set in feudal Japan, that’ll be a nice change of pace from the usual. Plus the game looks gorgeous and I love that there’s a “Kurosawa Mode” that changes everything to black and white.
Fallout full trailer released
Amazon released the full trailer for the Fallout series. I have hundreds of hours of playtime in Fallout 3, New Vegas, and Fallout 4 so I’m really looking forward to the show. The series takes place in Los Angeles, a location Bethesda hasn’t visited yet in the games, so it’ll be interesting to see a new setting. They definitely captured the 50s retro futuristic look of the games and they have a lot of the elements (bobbleheads, mutants, robots, the vault and the blue jumpsuits, the Brotherhood of Steel and their power armor.) Now let’s see if they got the tone right. All episodes come out April 11 on Amazon Prime.