German tourists can get a map of Palermo, Sicily that marks shops that refuse to pay extortion money to the mafia. Germans make up the largest numbers of tourists to Sicily. I\’m not sure if that\’s a good idea for the stores, but apparently there\’s also an organization called Addiopizzo (Goodbye Extortion) which is made up of shopkeepers that are publicly against racketeering, so I guess they\’re not afraid.
map2 is a neat zoomable paper map of London. The map is divided into quadrants and when you flip open a section it zooms in with greater detail.
[ From Boing Boing ] -
A Lost fan gathered all the scenes that took place during the plane crash and synchronized them all together, and they added a 24-style clock too. Very cool. I can\’t wait till the new season starts.
This is so awesome: a Hong Kong news organization made a computer-animated summary of the Jay Leno/Conan story. I didn\’t even know Conan and Leno were on in Hong Kong.
[ From Boing Boing ] -
So I was wondering, what\’s the longest non-stop flight you can take? I\’d imagine it\’s a flight between 2 cities that are on exact opposite sides of the globe, right? Turns out the answer is Singapore Airlines\’ flight SQ21 from Newark, New Jersey to Singapore. It\’s a 10,314 mile, 18 hr 40 min trip. It doesn\’t say which direction the route takes though. East? West? Over the north pole?
Interestingly, the second longest flight is from Los Angeles to Singapore at 18 hrs 10 min. Half an hour shorter from the other side of the US.
The A-Team trailer is out. I love how their van looks exactly the same.
10 ways space travel isn\’t like the movies. Aw nuts. Next they\’re gonna tell us Santa Claus isn\’t real either.
Clever street advertising by Mini. And as a bonus a couple of homeless guys got roomy new houses.