• Passing By – A series of movies filmed out the windows of moving vehicles. This is neat, sort of like ambient video. Reminds me of the Holding Pattern screensaver.
    [ From Boing Boing ]

  • Gizmodo has a little video of the Optimus keyboard actually working. Despite all that\’s gone on with it, it does look really slick. I can\’t wait till it comes down in price.

  • Here\’s a great excerpt from a book written by a former SR-71 pilot. The SR-71 was a spyplane that is the fastest jet in the world. I still have a model hanging in my room.
    [ From Boing Boing Gadgets ]

  • Name initials may influence grades

    They found that people whose initial matched a negative label performed more poorly than others. The findings suggest that the unconscious mind finds one\’s own initials appealing even when it compromises success…

    I always wondered why my friend Francis Ulysses Carter-Kingston did bad in school.

  • Weird story about cremated ashes being scattered on the Haunted Mansion and Pirates rides at Disneyland. I want my ashes scattered over It\’s A Small World.
    [ From Boing Boing ]

  • Man hurt using gun to change tyre

    A US man has injured himself in both legs after attempting to loosen a stiff wheel-nut by blasting it with his gun.

    Idiot, you\’re supposed to put speed holes on your car, not your tires.

  • I was at my local Borders this weekend and I noticed they installed a flatscreen TV over the magazine section. What the hell? Who goes to a bookstore to watch TV? Did someone at corporate decide books were too boring and old fashioned? According to this article:

    The screens are \”not designed to be intrusive,\” Mr. Jones said. Rather, he said, they are \”part of a master plan to create content that will do several things for us,\” like directing traffic to the Borders Web site and paving the way to more cross-promotional deals with large media companies.

    Bullshit, the first thing I noticed was a TV on somewhere in the store.

    I heard Hooter\’s is installing a library section in all its restaurants.

  • One Man\’s Trash – awesome shadow artwork made out of junk.
    [ From Rebecca\’s Pocket ]

  • This moon nightlight is pretty cool. It goes through lunar phases too. Some people say the moon landings were faked on a giant soundstage, but no one makes soundstage nightlights.

  • Interesting article about 5 Awesome Sc-Fi Inventions (That Would Actually Suck). I like the piece about the holodeck. I always wondered why, on Star Trek, there were times when it wasn\’t in use. That thing should\’ve been booked solid for the next 20 years.