A special effects company put together a cool CGI video of a police robot on patrol in a third world country. The robot does these subtle actions and movements, and combined with the hand-held cam footage the video looks very realistic.
[ From Coudal Partners ]
I\’ve mentioned decotora before, they are these decorated, highly customized trucks that are popular in Japan. Well, they\’re so popular that there\’s actually a video game. I guess in the game you can trick out your rig and, uh, haul cargo around.
[ From Jalopnik ] -
Heh heh. At Microsoft\’s offices, 80% of mp3 players are iPods and it bugs the hell out of management. Executives are even sending out memos frowning on its use. If I worked at Microsoft and management told me what I couldn\’t use, I\’d tell them to go fuck themselves.
The track list and a brief sample from the new NIN album, With Teeth, is up at nin.com. I can\’t believe it\’s already been 6 years since the last album. What the hell have I been doing all that time?
I\’ve really been digging Ska for the Skeptical. There\’s some great tunes there. The site is a primer for ska, starting from the roots in Jamaica in the \’60s. All I knew about ska was the third-wave from the late 90s, so the stuff here is pretty educational.
[ From Boing Boing ] -
The Top 10 Most Fascinating Urinals. The ladies out there might not care, but to guys this is cool stuff. If the ones at the Hong Kong hotel were intended as a metaphor for pissing on the world, I like them.
More about rock band logos and design. He brings up an interesting point that band logos are becoming less and less important with the rise of mp3s and the digital medium.
My iPod is filled with songs by artists whose album covers I have never even seen, who I know only by iPod font, so I would not even know if they had a logo, or any visual identity whatsoever.
There\’s also a brief discussion about the heavy metal umlaut.
My favorite band logo has to be Nine Inch Nails. Very elegant, minimalist, and so easy to draw. I think all of my junk from high school has that logo drawn on it.
[ From Airbag ] -
Dread of Sunday Night Even Afflicts People
Who Like Their Work. God, I hate Sunday nights. Sunday afternoons are pretty depressing too. I\’d have to agree with the professor, Thursday nights are my favorite cause that means it\’s almost Friday, which means it\’s almost the weekend. Wednesday nights are getting up there too, cause that means it\’s almost Thursday, which means it\’s almost Friday, which means it\’s almost the weekend.
[ From Kottke.org ] -
The 100 Funniest Jokes of All Time. Meh, some of them aren\’t so funny. I like #67 though.
Awesome! Fonts based on rock band logos. Man, I would\’ve killed for this stuff back in high school.
[ From Boing Boing ]