• The trailer for God Diva looks so cool. There\’s a lot of cool Japanese sci-fi movies coming out lately. Casshern, Ghost in the Shell 2, Appleseed. I hope some of them actually make it to the US.

  • The official site for the Firefly movie is up now, though there\’s not much there yet. Damnit, I have to wait till next April?

  • Heh heh, DVD rewinder. I applaud anyone who can sell this to suckers.

  • For some reason this photo gallery from a Superman festival reminds me of that part of Superman III where Superman turns into a jerk.
    [ From Boing Boing ]

  • Japanese Boy Writes Apology in Blood

    He said the boy was taken to the staff room of the school in Fukuoka City, southern Japan, after being caught asleep during a lesson. The 40-year-old male teacher handed the boy a box-cutter and paper and told him to write an apology in blood.

    That\’s hard core. What\’s the teacher\’s name, Mr. Nosferatu?

  • Inmates Use Smuggled Cellphones to Maintain a Foot on the Outside

    Cellphones are harder to smuggle in than drugs, both because they contain metal and because of their size

    Ummm…I don\’t want to know how they smuggle in cellphones. Or chargers, for that matter.

  • Awesome article about how a cutaway drawing of a still-under-construction cruise ship was made. I\’m always fascinated with cutaway drawings. There\’s so much detail in this, it\’s a shame it was just used for a little brochure.
    [ From The Morning News ]

  • The Simpsons season 4 set comes out today. It includes much more extras than the first 3 seasons, including commentaries by Conan O\’Brien.

    And the Clerks 10th anniversary set comes out later this year. It\’s a 3 disc set packed with features. The artwork looks good too.

  • Holy shit! This guy\’s selling a massive video game collection on eBay. His collection is incredible. Pretty much every console released in the last 20 years, as well as development kits, accessories that didn\’t make it to the US, special versions and editions of consoles, a virtual boy and other rare things, PlayStation wine(!), and tons of games. I would\’ve killed for this stuff when I was 10 years old.
    [ From Slashdot ]

  • Urban Advantage

    Working with architects, planning staff, and citizen groups, we create visions of pedestrian-friendly, socially-interactive communities by transforming photographs with photo-editing software.

    Neat stuff here. It\’s amazing the difference that just a couple of trees can make.
    [ From Beyond Brilliance, Beyond Stupidity ]