German authorities are cracking down on potato guns, homemade cannons made of pipes. Kids stuff potatos and other projectiles down the pipe, then use hairspray or lighter fluid as the propellant. When I was in college me and my roommates wanted to make a potato gun. We had the perfect location too; there was a large, empty field behind our apartment. We could\’ve just aimed the cannon out the patio door and fired away. We never got around to actually making it though.
[ From Slashdot ]
Gibson plans to introduce an electric guitar with an ethernet port. It\’s part of Magic, Gibson\’s new network technology for speakers, amps and other gear. All the equipment would be connected with ethernet cables, rather than traditional analog cables. Then, for example, in a stage setup each instrument could automatically identify itself to the mixer, which then loads custom settings. Each guitar string could also have a digital effect applied to it. Sounds pretty badass.
No word on whether the amps will go to 802.11 though.
New Mexico wants to change the name of Highway 666. Well, now I\’ll have no reason at all to visit New Mexico.
The best part about the Super Bowl.
Scientists successfully printed living tissue from modified desktop printers. The special \”ink\” is a suspension of cells and tissue is built up layer by layer. Eventually they hope to build complex structures such as entire organs.
And you thought it sucked when Kinko\’s messed up your order now…
Embetter your vocabulary with Bushisms. Heh heh, Bush.
A researcher in New Hampshire carries the Human Genome around in his iPod cause it\’s faster than his office\’s network. The genome is less than 1 gb, so there\’s plenty of space. I think it\’d be funny if he deleted the genome to make space for his collection of Supertramp and Kool & The Gang.
Adbusters has a billboard in Times Square and Miramax needs to film a movie there. Miramax, which is owned by Disney, gave 3 options: take down the billboard for a while, cover it up, or change it to a normal American flag. Instead, Adbusters came up with their own subversive options. Right on! Fight the power!
Cool piece about wireless LANs for your car, such as a wireless mp3 player so you can load music into your car from your home computer. Your car could also have an access point so all your passengers can share the LAN, as well as other cars around you. That just sounds so cool to have a LAN tearing up the fast lane at 90.
[ From Boing Boing ] -
NASA\’s plans for nuclear-powered rockets was just approved. The rockets are three times faster than regular rockets and shorten a trip to Mars to just 2 months. About time too. The sooner we conquer Mars the better. I don\’t trust those Martians with their fancy red planet and no atmosphere.