Seems like the only time UC Irvine is in the news is when something like this happens: UCI Student Arrested In Rape of Teen. On the TV news they showed footage of the parking lot where the guy attacked the girl and it\’s right next to my old dorm. That\’s fucked up.
- provides old version of 18 different programs. The site is useful if you\’ve ever downloaded the newest version of a program only to find that it sucks and the previous version is no longer available (like ICQ).
[ From Geeknews ] -
Teen Convicted of Killing Chimp
Initial amusement turned to horror after one of the male chimps named Coco allegedly jumped on top of the car and began baring his teeth and shrieking. Several teens testified that humans and chimps briefly threw rocks at each other, after which 28-year-old Suzy began fighting with Coats\’ dog, Lucky.
Uh oh, sounds like this is eventually going to end with the Statue of Liberty buried in sand.
Heh heh, The Council of Elrond as directed by Kevin Smith.
Jay…er, Gandalf:
Check this shit: I tried to talk to that motherfucker Saruman the White, but his robe was all multi-colored and shit. Then he tried to lock me in his tower, but I busted out the mad, phat magic on his ass. Serves him right for trying to mess with my homies. Snoogans. -
The Big Ten is a chart showing how 10 corporations control all the media.
[ From Boing Boing ] -
This is so cool: someone made a highly detailed Map of Springfield. I was thinking about doing this but there were so many contradictions. Anyway, now I can fill out the rest of my list of Simpsons store names.
[ From ] -
A 24 year old British internet entrepreneur is auctioning her hand in marriage. She\’s been really busy with her business and thinks this is the best way to reach a lot of men. You just know this is going to end in some kind of lawsuit.
Looking for a mask? has tons of different masks for all your masky needs. They have fencing masks, Mardi Gras masks, and my personal favorite, Mexican wrestling masks.
The Laughlab presents the results of their search for the world\’s funniest joke. Number 1 with 47% is:
Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson are going camping. They pitch their tent under the stars and go to sleep. Sometime in the middle of the night Holmes wakes Watson up.
\”Watson, look up at the stars, and tell me what you deduce.\”
Watson says, \”I see millions of stars, and if there are millions of stars, and if even a few of those have planets, it’s quite likely there are some planets like Earth, and if there are a few planets like Earth out there, there might also be life.\”
Holmes replied: \”Watson, you idiot, somebody stole our tent!\”
That\’s the funniest joke? Whatever.
My man Irving\’s back in town and we saw Lord of the Rings last night. Pretty damn cool movie. We got there a little late, so we didn\’t see if any people wore costumes. I think it would\’ve been really cool if some dudes in Star Wars costumes came along and started a fight. You know, like something out of West Side Story. Star Wars! Rings! Star Wars! Rings! And then the Harry Potter kids come in…