• Want to watch HDTV but can\’t afford a $5000 set? Install this HDTV tuner card in your computer and watch on your monitor. You can even record shows onto your hard drive, just like a Tivo. The card is $399, still a little pricy for me.
    [ From Slashdot ]

  • Here\’s an interesting article about how digital photography can endanger the past. Traditionally, news photographers shot rolls and rolls of film, then picked out the best ones about the event to turn in. But they could always go back to find other pictures. With digital photography, they have to delete some pictures because storage is limited. All the other pictures that led up to the event are lost.

    Personally, I keep all the digital pictures I take. Even the really blurred, badly exposed ones. I always think I might find a use for them later on, but I rarely do. Oh well.

  • DVD File reviewed the classic Monty Python and the Holy Grail on DVD. It\’s 2 discs and it looks like it\’s packed with extra features. For those of you who still haven\’t memorized the script, there\’s an option to watch the movie with the screenplay superimposed on it. Also included is the Knights of the Round Table scene done with Legos. I\’m surprised they didn\’t digitally remove the Castle Anthrax.

  • So the estimate from the body shop arrived in the mail today. The handwriting on the envelope was remarkably similar to the handwriting on the anthrax letters. Hmmm…I didn\’t want to take any chances, so I microwaved it for 1 minute. Then I smelled burning so I quickly took it out before the minute was up. Thank god it didn\’t catch on fire. Now there\’s a big burnt spot on the paper. Stupid body shop.

  • Ha ha, this is great: The Mr. T sketchbook, sketchs of Mr. T done by a variety of artists.
    [ From gmtPlus9 ]

  • To no one\’s surprise, counterfeit copies of Windows XP are already for sale in Malaysia. A bargain at $1.30!
    [ From Geeknews ]

  • For its 20th anniversary, the re-release of E.T. was digitally edited so that the FBI agents hold walkie-talkies instead of guns. They\’re also going to digitally reinsert Jabba the Hutt into a cut scene.

  • \’Kraut\’ Is Not An Insult?

    But Germans in Britain failed to see the humor, saying the word — which actually translates as cabbage — was offensive.

    \”It is offensive. If you were called cabbage, you would not like it. It is the same for us,\” a German Embassy spokesman told the Daily Mail newspaper.

    I like this story just cause I like saying \’kraut\’.

  • At least one good thing came out of the WTC attacks: World Trade Center Attack Leads to Drug Arrest

    Six men have been indicted for suspected involvement in a drug ring police discovered after one of the suspects refused to evacuate his smoke and debris-filled apartment near \”ground zero\” of the World Trade Center attack.