Now this is entertainment: stupid teenagers getting injured trying to get on Jackass. It\’s all on tape too!
I\’m going through my math notes cause I have a midterm tomrrow, and I notice that I wrote \”cosmonaut\” right in the middle of an equation. I was trying to remember why the hell I wrote that, and then I remembered that I was half asleep that day, so that explains it. I take the coolest notes when I\’m asleep.
It\’s cool, you can tell when I fell asleep cause all of a sudden my handwriting gets really messy, and then it gets neat again when I woke up. My notes are a chronology of my sleep patterns.
Hmmm…I got a Crushlink message saying someone has a crush on me. Now I\’m gonna go nuts trying to figure out who it is.
What the hell\’s this about? Bowling shoes being stolen from bowling alleys cause the style\’s popular now? Man, some people…Hey, I think I\’m gonna start wearing football cleats regularly! That\’s stylish too, right?
Darren Aronofsky\’s next movie won\’t be a Batman sequel after all. Too bad, it would\’ve been such a fucked up superhero movie. Fucked up in a good way, I mean. Instead, he\’s doing a sci-fi epic with Brad Pitt. Well, that\’ll probably be pretty fucked up too. Aronofsky himself even said it\’ll be \”freaky.\”
I finally got around to installing Opera 5. I love it. It\’s much improved over the old version. Popup windows are handled perfectly now, whereas in the old version, popup windows would, uh, pop up maximized. It\’s still fast as it ever was, and it even seems like they sped up the loading time a little bit.
The gestures are really neat too. For example, to stop you hold down the right button and move the mouse up. To go back you move the mouse left. You can also hold the right button and click the left button. And to go forward, just do the opposite.
The new version is free, but has ads at the top. You can get rid of the ads by registering and paying $39. I think a program as good as Opera is really worth buying and supporting.
Best of all, Opera finally works with Blogger! There\’s a little bug where after you press \”post\” everything disappears, but when you reload the page everything shows up again.
The Baltimore Citypaper presents the Top 10 phone pranks. I really like number 7. I\’m gonna have to write up something similar and post it on classroom doors around campus.
[ From Geeknews ] -
Cevin Key will join the live lineup for the ohGr tour. ohGr is, well, Ogre\’s new band, and both Key and Ogre were 2/3 of the legendary Skinny Puppy. Tour dates haven\’t been announced yet, but you can be sure I\’m gonna be there. Damn, this is such cool news. It might even make up for the Skinny Puppy show at the Doomsday festival last year, which I couldn\’t attend.
Man, I\’m bored. Stupid Saturday nights. I need a girlfriend. I need someone to hang out with. I need a girl to watch movies with me on the couch. I need a girl to drive around aimlessly with me and listen to music. I need a girl to hang out with me in coffeeshops so we can look sophisticated together. I need a girl to go bowling with me and laugh at the funny bowling shoes. I need a girl to suggest things to do when we\’re bored on a Saturday night.
Atheists for Jesus. No, they\’re not a punk band, and yes, they\’re serious. And it\’s $30 to be a member.