• Well, I barely found 5 more scientists for my paper, for a total of 10. Fuck it, I\’m just gonna turn it in like this. Right after class tomorrow morning I have to work from 10 till 5. Damn, a whole day gone. Is this what it\’s gonna be like when I get a full time job?

  • I have astronomy homework due tomorrow where I have to find \”20 scientists who have contributed to 20th century space physics.\” I found 5 scientists fairly easily, and now I\’m having a really difficult time finding 15 more. I\’ve looked all over the internet and I can\’t find anything. Stupid internet.

  • I wish I had a BB gun like this when I was a kid. I could\’ve killed lots more bir-uh, soda cans.

  • Gamespot\’s High Tech Games is 10 games coming out this year that use new technology to create a better gaming experience. We\’ve already seen the benefits of Black & White\’s complex creature AI. Now I\’m really looking forward to Dungeon Siege, Max Payne, Halo, and Freelancer.

  • Here are some impressive sample pictures from Kodak\’s 6 megapixel DCS 760 camera. Cute girl, cuter asparagus.

  • Seems like I haven\’t posted in a long time. Here\’s what happened: Friday I was at work all day. When I got home my computer wouldn\’t start. Finally, after futzing around, I figured out that I had to buy a new power supply. I got one at Fry\’s, but then I discovered the new one was broken too. I got a working power supply, but then I discovered my socket-to-slot converter card was broken too. Anyway, I finally got my computer working again last night.

  • Free Breast Implants for Some Female Soldiers. The reasoning makes sense, the breast implants make the soldiers happier. But it\’s still messed up. You don\’t see our army giving penile enlargements to male soldiers, do you?

  • Apple Powerbook \”bomb\” Shuts Airport. You all know what\’s going to happen now: terrorists will start building bombs out of titanium powerbooks.

  • I\’m gonna be so happy when this week is finally over. I think this is the busiest I\’ve ever been. Today I had to drive up to Pasadena for a project class. We\’re analyzing how computers affect organizations, so we had to interview 3 people today. That class is a real pain in the ass.