I got a new lens for my camera today. It\’s a 105 mm Nikkor, perfect for portraits. Hopefully my roommates will let me take pictures of them. If not I\’ll get them when they\’re sleeping. Heh heh heh.
Ineffective Terrorist Metaphors and Similies
War shall be declared and rivers of blood shall flow through your streets, through your houses, into your sinks, where, by the glory of God, there shall be stacks of thirsty towels available for quick and easy clean-up. -
Buggyballs just won my award for \”Most Fucked Up Product of the Year.\”
I went on a Napster-mp3 binge tonight. I found a bunch of industrial-goth covers of Nine Inch Nails and Smashing Pumpkins songs, along with punk covers of Nirvana songs. Some of them are actually pretty cool. I\’ve been kind of depressed lately. Nothing interesting\’s going on in my life right now. Nothing to look forward to. Hmmm…I need to take up extreme sports or something.
Drivers sign warns about speed trap. This is a brilliant idea. Some guy put up a sign warning other drivers about a speed trap. If more people would do this, the Man won\’t be able to keep us down.
TV comedy apologises to real fire safety officer. Heh, this reminds me of that Simpsons episode where Homer changes his name to Max Power cause there was a tv show with a character named Homer Simpson.
Sticky stamps have got gum licked. What\’s with these Brits? We\’ve had self-adhesive stamps here in the States for years now.
Looks like the corporations won the mp3 war: Starting in June Napster will charge a membership fee. Royalties will be paid to artists who really need the money they lost through mp3s, like Metallica.
I sat next to the weirdest guy in class today. First he came in 15 minutes late. Then he took out a bag of potato chips and ate the whole thing rather noisily. After he finished the chips he played with the now empty bag for a few minutes, also noisily. Then he took out a notebook and spent the next 10 minutes removing the spiral. After that he took out the empty potato chip bag again and rolled it up. Then he stuffed the rolled-up bag into the spiral from the notebook. And for the rest of class he played with his creation. Geez, I\’m surprised he didn\’t turn it into a MacGyver-like spit wad launcher.