ZDNet has a photo essay of strange computer designs at this year\’s Comdex show. My personal favorite is this one, which looks like a cross between a radiator and an old school radio, with chrome.
Apparently, the 4th series of Movie Maniacs toys might feature Alex from A Clockwork Orange, Sloth from The Goonies, and Pennywise from It. There could also be toys based on H.R. Giger\’s artwork. Very cool stuff.
My assignment, which was originally due today, was postponed to next Tuesday. Good thing I haven\’t started it yet, otherwise I would\’ve wasted time that I could\’ve spent…uh, wasting time. Anyway, I get a 4 day weekend after tomorrow. Just in time too, cause I\’m all out of food here.
Here\’s what I\’ve been looking for: Quotes from the Simpsons.
Burns: Dogs are idiots. Think about it, Smithers. If I came into your house and started sniffing at your crotch and slobbering all over your face, what would you say?
Smithers: Uh… if YOU did it, sir…?[ From deftone.com ]
Cookie Crumbler Gets Probation. Ha ha! Fucking businessman got what he deserves.
Blogger was down for a few hours yesterday, and after that my webhost had problems for a few hours. Looks like everything\’s working now, better than ever. So, back to the usual drivel.
The workers showed up at 8:00 sharp and just left a few minutes ago. Our cabinets and counters are nice, all chrome and black marble. Just kidding, I think they\’re plastic. One cabinet door is missing though. I don\’t know whether they ran out of doors, or they forgot to bring one, or whatever. I just know that\’s going to drive me crazy.
Today\’s L.A. Times has a good article about the rise of female martial arts stars.
I\’m seriously thinking of ordering these 12 inch Matrix figures. They look so detailed it\’s frightening. I don\’t know what I\’d do with them though. I mean, I\’m not going to play with them and make them kiss, at least not when my roommate\’s around. Maybe I\’ll use Neo as a hood ornament for my car.
The counters and cabinets in our kitchen and bathroom will be replaced tomorrow, so we have to move out everything. Food, dishes, utensils, booze, we\’re stacking everything in the living room. It\’s a real pain in the ass. But on the other hand, that means no more ugly wood grain cabinets. In fact, since the old cabinets are going to be thrown away anyway, I\’m gonna carve my name into them.