• My god it\’s boring here. Remember when I used to complain that it was boring in the dorms? This apartment is 10x worse. One roommate went home and the other 2 are sleeping. I wish there were some cute girls living around. Then I could, uh…not talk to them.

  • I went to Best Buy today hoping to get Diablo 2. $59.99!!! Um, I think I\’ll wait a couple months til they\’re on sale.

  • Nice office. Now that\’s a cubicle I wouldn\’t mind working in.
    [ From Kottke.org ]

  • Ha ha ha! Fashion
    Craze Deprives Planes of Seatbelts
    . This is the funniest thing I\’ve
    heard all week.

  • The Megacar is loaded with neat high-tech gadgets like 4 video screens, a DVD player, 153 kbps net access, a Pentium III computer, and ethernet ports for each seat. This is what I would do to my car if I were filthy stinking rich. They also have an Audi A8 version.
    [ From Slashdot ]

  • Once again, take that Nike! This Nike.com hijacking thingy just gets better and better.
    [ From Slashdot ]

  • Chicken! It would\’ve been so cool if John Rocker actually went through with it. I would\’ve given anything just to be on the subway train at the exact moment he got in.

  • I\’m happy to report that Opera 4 works beautifully. All the annoying little bugs in the beta were eliminated. However, Blogger still doesn\’t work. I finished writing this exact same post in Opera and I went for the \”post\” button, and I couldn\’t find it. Damn, looks like I still can\’t uninstall Netscape.

  • The final version of Opera 4
    is now available. I hope it\’s better than the beta though. I\’ve been
    using it for 2 weeks now and it crashes a lot, and it\’s kinda sluggish
    when resizing pages. I loved version 3.62 though.